Focused Sector(s): Education
Project: Education Quality Improvement Programme (EQUIP)
Date and duration: Nov 2009 – Sep 2010 (12 months)
Location: Tanjung Pinang, Riau Islands Province (KEPRI)
Beneficiaries: 40 principals and 80 teachers from 20 elementary schools with 5,000 students


  • Under-qualified teachers and principals affected the quality of students who graduated and entered the workforce
  • Following the successful implementation of EQUIP the previous year (2008), there was demand for the programme to be implemented in other schools in Tanjong Pinang

Intervention and Impact

  • Implemented a year-long capacity building programme
  • The confidence of teachers was enhanced and their job satisfaction increased resulting in higher retention rates and a highly motivated teaching staff
  • Taught better practices and the latest trends in pedagogical skills, classroom management, leadership skills, curriculum development and Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Better equipped with skills, teachers were more focused on delivering quality education and ensuring a creative learning environment for students
  • A learning community developed between teachers and principals
  • There is greater awareness and increased commitment at local government level to address the improvements needed in education


Cost: S$233,407

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